I Found It!
Have you ever been sitting there saying to yourself, “Somethings
missing.” You really can’t pinpoint it but you know there is something missing.
This is not like missing your glasses or missing an appointment. But, from
somewhere in the back of your head you can’t get rid of the thought you are
missing something.
The older I get the more things in my life start disappearing.
The first thing was my memory. But everyone goes from one room to the next and
immediately forgets why they came in there, don’t you? That is not what I’m talking about either. It’s
almost as if you even start to think you have missed out on something that
everyone you know has experienced. This lasts until you realize that you are
having an amazing journey through life.
This exersize will lead you down the path of reconnecting. You think
of family and friends and start calling and visiting just to catch up on what
you might have missed about them in the last little while and because, well,
you miss them. We all know time just gets away on us, and life fills up with
new things. It’s at these type of moments we realize something is missing.
Seriously, many of us are sitting in our easy chair, looking
around us haunted by the feeling something in your life is missing. Just the
other day this feeling started changing when I decided I would't stop searching until I
found what that something was. And what I found was not what was missing but what I have had for a very long time. It was wonderful and exciting and most of all I
realized it was what I have - my faith in Christ alone. It was not in what I lost but in what I had forgotten I had that made my heart sing. This is what I read that morning, Jeremiah
29:13; When you look for me with all your heart, you will find me.
Pray it’s the same for you today.
Something to think about.
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