The Start Of Lent
And so, we begin the season of Lent. No weather related
change in seasons. But what is Lent? For that matter, what is Shrove Tuesday
which is commonly called Pancake Tuesday? Just so you know, it is about two
things. First it’s about using up all the butter, eggs and fat so you will not
be too tempted to go off your Lenten Fast. Yes, people do that. To put it in
perspective it has been associated with giving up your most desired food for
the next forty days. How’s that working for you? I on the other hand look at
Lent as a time to make changes in my spiritual life. Sort of replacing negative
behaviour with God honouring behaviour.
Secondly it is also supposed to be a day where you go to a
confessor and confess your bad deeds and then the confessor will shrive
(absolve) you then you may hear by your deeds what you are to do [in the way of
penance]" Simple, right? Not so fast. My bible has something to say about
All of this is well and maybe good but God wants more from
us. He wants us to go to Him, and He won’t get us to do something to pay for
our sins. Christ did that once and for all. And even though it’s a great thing
to go to the person we have wronged and ask forgiveness but also, we need to go
to God for complete and utter forgiveness. This forgiveness brings again, two
things. One, it changes us and creates in us a new heart. A heart that wants to
do what is right and pure. Then we realize we didn’t have to pay for it by
doing something. I have a cap I wear that reminds me daily, “Jesus Paid It All”.
This past week while standing in line at the grocery store a fellow in front of
me, (who wanted to be oh so cool) turned around and read the cap. He said to
me: “He did, that’s good”. It may have been the first time he ever heard that.
Or it could be a reminder of what he heard long ago in Sunday school. Either
way the message gave him something to think about. Does it you?
Something to think about
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