Robin's Nest

Monday, December 19, 2016

Christmas Lights

Are you feeling it? Excitement is growing every hour. Is everything ready? No? Is the list getting smaller? The tree is up, lights on outside and inside, decorations all around, and, and, opps , just remembered another thing for the list. Okay, another trip to the store.
Did you take notice how the children are behaving lately? Little do they know all the presents are bought, sorted, wrapped, labeled and ready for them to tear into. In the not too distant future they will learn gifts are not contingent on their behaviour but our love for them. The Christmas displays, that were up in the stores way before Halloween was over, started a two month race to the one day just a few more to go from now. Where did the time go? Why are we still running around? We were warned. As I think of this I realize it is all part and parcel of the joy and atmosphere of Christmas. It’s that build up to Christmas, and many of us love it. It’s on the radio as well.
White Christmas, got that as well. Being with family, love it and wish we had more time. Opening that one special gift you didn’t expect, there again, all part of what Christmas means. I pray that everyone who reads this recognizes that all of this began with God’s gift to all mankind, His Son Jesus. What a gift and as you continue to cross off all those items on your lists, I pray you will cross off the very last one as you walk into church on Christmas to receive the best gift of all, God’s Love. After all, He didn't give this gift to us contingent on how good we are, but on how much He Loves Us.
Something to think about
Merry Christmas



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