Robin's Nest

Monday, July 02, 2012

Just An Ordinary Clock

A number of weeks ago, I was happy to purchase another old clock.  The email said it had not worked in a long time and was just sitting on the mantel collecting dust.  I figured it was from the 1920's era. Looked good. All there. Just the right one to start a new dimension of learning with. You see, I have decided to learn how to fix clocks.  After all I have enough of them that at one time in the future will all need cleaning.
This new one is not an expensive clock by any means. Just an everyday, ordinary, inexpensive (when new, and now as well), simple, wooden camelback, mantel clock. My plan was to pick it up, take it apart, clean it and put it back together. Something changed my plans on learning to clean this clock.. I was to pick it up from the people one day but life got in the way. I sent them an email letting them know I couldn’t make it as arranged and suggested another day.
When I finally arrived at the home to pick it up I didn’t find an old clock in need of cleaning but a clock the runs fine. The owner explained. They had lost the key many years ago and were unable to wind the clock. And, they were not happy with the chime going off every half hour.  And that is why it had not run for many years. From the time I told them I would take it until I picked it you, they found the key, wound it and found it to run fine.
Do you ever feel the same way as the clock? Sometimes we are neglected and dirty, in need of cleaning.  While other times we just feel like you have been put on the shelf. We sit there, with nothing to do. Just waiting to do what you do best. All you need is someone to come along with the right key and wind you up.
Come Lord Jesus, come and clean us on the inside, then wind us up and let us be of use for you.
Something to think about


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