Robin's Nest

Monday, June 25, 2012

Wake Up! We Need To Talk

Sometimes, early mornings are even too early for me. Take the other day for instance. I was sleeping well until something woke me and I found myself wide awake for no apparent reason. Or so I thought. Didn’t hear a thing. No movement, no strange sounds, just a quiet calm, serene early morning. Within minutes I heard within my mind, God prompting me to rethink the sermon I was putting together. Being there with little else to do at 3:50 am, I turned on the light, took pen in hand and wrote down the thoughts that were racing through my mind. I wrote one line, put down the pen and turned the light off. Lying there for a minute or so, I was again prompted to write something else down. Light on, pick up the pen, write, put down the pen and turn out the light. Over and over this happened and I was starting to wonder if I would ever get back to sleep.

Within a half hour I had filled both sides of eight pieces of post-it-notes. After I turned the light out for what became the last time, I laid back and thought about all the things I had just written. Then it hit me. I realized, it was all about being in His presence. This was not just an exersize in writing, but about what I believe and living it. How wonderful it felt to spend some time with God on a very early morning. Within moments I felt myself settle and sleep returned. You know the kind of sleep that I’m talking about. Deep sleep, don’t move again type sleep. It was wonderful . . . for a while.

I woke with a start. Something definitely woke me this time. The clock reinforced the reality that just over one half hour had transpired since falling back asleep. Hearing the reason for being woken, I jumped out of bed and looked out the window to see, a delivery truck parked right in front of our home. The driver was obviously listening to his music. Loudly I might add. He had turned off the truck and took out a parcel to deliver and walked to the door and took it inside. But he had left the music on. Did I mention loudly.

Angrily I thought to myself, “This is nuts!” My next thought was to get dressed and rush downstairs and give him a piece of my mind. As the first leg was being thrust into the pant leg, it hit me. I began to recognize the words. It stopped me in my tracks. Here is what I heard;

Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
All together worthy,
All together wonderful to me.

For a moment I thought I saw God mischievously smiling at me. He had not finished our time together. I changed my mind about giving the driver a piece of my mind. Already given away far too many pieces anyway. I now intended on go down and thank him for being an instrument of God in speaking to me on a very early amazingly, fantastic, beautiful, God filled morning where I took time to worship Him and thank Him for our spectacular morning together.

Next time you wake early, maybe God has come to visit you.

Something to think about. Rob


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