I'm Not Sleeping! Really
There are those days. Many years ago I had to go and talk to a professor at my school about my future. I was seeking his advice. Always good to go and talk to someone who knows more then you. Someone who has been down the road a few more times then you. He was a gracious man, living his calling and enjoying every minute of working with us young people. Yes, I was young once. He was also a very busy man. Much in demand in and out of class. It was easy to put your trust in him and just that sort of person you want to be when you ‘arrive’.
In retrospect, I realize now, maybe I talked too much that day. Still have that habit once and a while. Thankfully, not as much anymore. Can't learn much when your lips are moving, so I have been told. As I talked and talked and talked something began to happen. Before my eyes, which were wide open I noticed his eyes slowly closing. Get the picture? As much as he tried, nothing was working. For a few more minutes I continued to carry on the conversation. That is, until I realized he was no longer hearing what I was saying. The man was exhausted and needed a break. So, I very quickly made an excuse to get going and left his office without embarrassing him.
There are those days. Can you believe it? Now, I have those days as well. Some weeks, too often. I guess in that way, I’m like him. Yesterday after a long morning at church, and more things to do then time can handle, I gave up on trying to stay awake. They don’t call it an easy-chair for nothing.
At one time in my life I thought that sleeping was a waste of time. I believed we should be awake as much as possible so we can cram into every minute as much living as we possibly can. I would be up early, stay up later than normal and just do more and more. There is so much to see and experience and do that there may never be enough time to get it all in. I wanted to be engaged with everything and everybody all the time and keep going and going and going. I wanted to be in ministry 24/7 and always available to be there for everyone and anyone. It took me too long to realized I can't. I'm not built for that.
I guess I still do that to some degree today. I’m up early, in the office just after daybreak, and work until bed. But something has changed for me. After my surgery a number of years ago, my body and mind do the same thing that professors did, it shuts down in the middle of . . . And believe me, that is a good thing.
Someone once said to me that he believed I get up before God. Wrong. Lucky for all of us, God 'never slumbers nor sleeps'. He is always awake and always aware of us. He will 'never leave us nor forsake us'. His eyes never droop closed. And even when there is one of those days for us, we have a God who watches over us when we can’t watch over ourselves. The hymn says, "His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me". Aren’t you glad?
Something to think about.
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