Robin's Nest

Monday, July 09, 2012

I Will Follow Him

Are you with me? If you are, that’s great. If not, I will go it alone. Sorry, I’m going to do it anyway. No matter what comes I have no choice. Something deep down inside me is calling to me. It’s telling me what I need to do. No, that’s wrong; it’s telling me what I must do.

I realize it’s not going to be easy. I know there will be a tremendous amount of push back, but I can’t do anything else. And there is no one that can talk me out of it. I have this deep down, burning desire to not only ‘do it’ but I also know there is no other option.

So, are you with me? Before you say yes or no, let me say, we live in a totally different country, no; we live in a totally different world today. Someone recently sent me an email asking what my thoughts on the following question are; “Why is there just an extreme amount of hatred, and rudeness, and self-centeredness in our North American Culture?”

There are three parts to the question and three distinct answers. Mull this question over in your own mind. Recognize that all of these points, hatred, rudeness, self-centeredness point to the root of all that is going on in our society today. I answered in part; “people love the sin they are in”. It is a non-Christian society that we find ourselves in. Gone is the basis of our country, there is no longer a Christian moral code that leads our country. Maybe it started when Rhett Butler used the word ‘damn’. The flood gates opened and now . . . well, you know.

So, are you with me? Will you still follow Him? Jesus said to the four apostles, “Follow me.” He repeats is over and over again to each and every person who comes to Him. To anyone who wants to really and truly be a Christ Follower. When we do, we will in some way, push back the hatred, rudeness and self-centredness of the society at large and we will make this world, our small part of this world a better place. We will live by a Christian worldview and no other. Then it will continue to be a place where Jesus is still, the King.

Something to think about



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