Robin's Nest

Monday, July 27, 2015

Helping Someone Else

Every once and a while, we get to feel good about the world we live in. It’s happened many times this week for me. I heard of a neighbour offering to cut a seniors grass from now on. Fantastic, I said to myself with a smile. Then I met for the first time, a lovely lady who comes into the lodge with her dog, just to go around and let the residents have a chance to pet the dog. I smiled again.

It’s not just the big things we see, when someone donates a big chunk of change to help some mission or school. It’s in the simpler things in our individual lives. Even in the insignificant. The best one this past week happened when I had a visit with a senior. I had just gone into their room for a visit. The resident has not been out of bed for more years than I have known her. Not being able to see, the first question was, "who it was". I told said it was me and the reply came, “I was just praying for you”. Again I smiled. Before I left, we prayed as a strong grip held my hand. It was one of those moments where I received and also had opportunity to give.

Just simple things, like holding open a door, stopping to let someone go by, giving a smile and wave to a friend, getting something from the top shelf at the store for a shorter person then yourself. See, it’s not just the big things. It’s every time we take a moment from our agenda and prioritize another’s agenda.

I’m going to take part of Mark 14:7 and let you know that sometimes it’s the little part of a verse that speaks; “The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want”. Do you want? It’s up to you. Try to be that person who makes a difference, even so slight on another’s life today. As you smile, do it again, and again and again. I know God will be smilin' and the world will smile to.

Something to think about



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