Easter 2015
Just thought I would mention to you that Christmas is just
over eight and a half months away. Are
you ready yet? Have you started shopping yet?
No? I saw more than one person at Target shopping for Christmas. Or
maybe it was for Easter bonnets.
Christmas is one of the most amazing holidays of the year.
It started one day as a remembrance of Jesus being born. A huge birthday party
if you will. And I don’t care what the actual day He was born was, I’m just ecstatic
that almost the whole world takes the day off to do what God did so long ago.
He gave us an irreplaceable gift.
That was His birth. Now, at spring time we celebrate two
more happenings in the life and times of Jesus of Nazareth. The first is commemorated this coming Friday
when He was tried, convicted, executed and buried. What we really need to know is that He was convicted
and executed to pay for our sins, yours and mine. It was all in God’s plan. A
plan that helped the world become free from sin. They are our actions that separates us
from a sinless, loving God.
Then came the morning. Easter Sunday morning. Yes the world
may celebrate Easter in other ways with Easter bonnets, chocolate and eggs
delivered by bunnies. Cute, but not what seventy five percent of Canadians
think about this coming Sunday. We will focus our minds and hearts on the Resurrection. You can read
all about it in John 20. Jesus was raised from the dead just like the bible and
He said he would. As the egg on Easter morning might represent new life, our
risen Jesus brings new life. We are raised with Him into a better life, a
beautiful life that God always intended us to have and share. Easter is here.
He is Risen – He is Risen Indeed.
“Then came the
morning, night turned into day;
The stone was rolled away, hope rose with the dawn.
Then came the morning, shadows vanished before the sun,
Death had lost and life had won, for morning had come”.
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