Robin's Nest

Monday, February 09, 2015

Love is like. . .

It’s been a long time hasn’t it? It’s been a long time since you handed over on your own a Valentine’s card to that special someone. It might even been a long times since you received one. Remember in grade school the excitement of all those cute cut out cards you took home to show mom and dad? In school, and here in the Children’s Ministry, most teachers really become excited about that day of love. They plan, cut out, glue and even put some difficult parts together for those that couldn’t manage it themselves.
The thing is, Love is an intrical part of who we are. Part of our DNA if you like. A while ago I read that everyone needed three things in their life to feel complete. Here they are: need to feel accepted, need to feel valued and lastly, the need to feel loved.  Think about that for a few minutes. It’s a wonderful feeling after you make the first step forward to become more involved somewhere and people step up and welcome you with no strings attached. (Like coming into church for the first time.) Or how about the time you were asked to help or assist in some task and your participation was so well accepted. ‘Yes’, you said to yourself, ‘I have something to contribute’. Feels great, doesn’t it? Then, when you least expect it, you feel complete. It may not be said verbally but it sure is said in silence that those around you honestly love you and are glad you are here.
This doesn’t just happen in real life, on Valentine’s Day. It happens with God. He made each and every one of you to feel all of these emotions and even more. He placed within you a heart that reaches to the highest heaven. From there we know He accepts us for who we are, places gifts and abilities deep down inside of us, where our value to heaven finds fulfillment. It all come full circle when we indeed feel complete when He tells us in Jeremiah, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness..”  How amazing is that?
Something to feel loved about.
Happy Valentine’s Day


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