Someones Sleeping Lord
Have you ever sat and watched someone sleeping? When you were a kid, did you ever sit there watching one of your siblings sleeping, ready to pounce on them when they first stirred? Remember the commercial where the kids stood looking at their parents and said something like: “they look so innocent when they sleep”. If you are a parent you may have stood over a crib and just watched God's gift, sleeping.
There are other times we notice these things. Ever been sitting watching tv with someone, and you look over, ready to say something and they are fast asleep? Or how about being in church and someone is drifting off during a boring sermon. Doesn’t happen at our church. Well, not often. Sometimes people are just tired and can’t stay awake. More than a few husbands have sore ribs from sitting in church beside their spouse. Maybe you have been one of those people. I sometimes ask the congregation to raise their hand if they have ever fallen asleep in a service. Of course I was the first one to put up my hand. I tell them I even fell asleep in my own sermon back when I started ministry.
you want to experience beauty at it’s finest, go sometime soon and sit
and watch someone you love very much while they sleep. Watch them
breathe. Be still, be silent and just take in the beauty of the moment.
And while you are doing it, realize that God was sitting close by by
your bed while you sleep. He was there watching the one He loves so
Something to think about.
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