Robin's Nest

Monday, February 16, 2015

Just One Bite

I don’t think I told you, but I received this great sweatshirt for Christmas past. Just what I wanted. Not too snug. Just right for getting around and doing anything and everything. It even has that stand up collar that I like. And because I don’t put the thermostat up too high, it keeps me pleasantly warm. Perfect colour as well. What more could I have asked? I like it so much I wear it often and the washing machine and the sweatshirt have become well acquainted.
Then it happened. You know. You have been there so don’t deny it. I was out one day to the bakery and my good friends there know I love eating as much as anyone. Well, John makes almost the best butter tarts around. Lois still has the best buttertarts in my books. But there I was sitting there looking at this amazing tray of butter tarts. I looked closely and what do I see? I see one that had my name on it. It did, really it. . . Okay, I thought it did.

Now, you have to realize that both Lois’ and John’s tarts drip. Yes, now you know what happened. Now you know that I know it happened to you before as well. After licking the runoff from my sweatshirt I went right home and put it right in the wash. Thought it would be fine. Well, yes you know the rest of the story. It’s taken a while to get it completely out & because I know where it was I still think I can see the extremely faint evidence that convicts me.
I wish my shirt was like my life. Yes, I have made mistakes but God washes me clean as He said in Isaiah “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” But there is more. No matter how hard I look, I can not see my past sins, because He also says in Jeremiah;  “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” Goes to show that God really is better than Tide.
Have you asked Him to clean your heart? Go ahead, He’s listening.
Something to think about.


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