The other day, while I was driving back and forth to the
church, I took time, (when I could) to notice the faces of those other drivers whizzing
past me. If you are lucky enough to be in the passenger seat sometime, take my
lead. It’s interesting. I saw all kinds of facial expressions. I even saw
people singing. Cute thing about that person was, they were singing the song
that was on my radio. It made me smile.
One thing I didn’t see was a smile on anyone else’s face. Undoubtedly,
even my own. I wondered what people were thinking or what was going on in their
lives. Our life, yours and mine, are filled with so many things that find their
expression in the facial expression we show as we walk through life. I
wondered, were they on their way to a job they hated? Were they going to the
hospital to visit a friend or family member that wasn’t doing very well? Or
maybe they were late and were focused on getting there as soon as they could?
It might be, as I believe many are, they were making their way just like
every other day and they were on auto-pilot.
You have to admit that life can be like that. It got me to
thinking about the line my mom used to say to my brother and I. I’m not sure if
this is what it was exactly but it was something like; “Don’t forget to smile.” She
knew. I also remember that the longest word is smiles. There is a mile between the 's'es'. God knows to. As I thought about that I turned to my computer and went to and then to images. I then typed in two words: ‘smile quotes’. I started to read. The more I read the more I,
no, not smiled, but thought of the people that would benefit from those images.
Then I did something I have never done before. God prompted me to send some out
to people that needed to smile. And you are one of them.
Something to smile about
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