Robin's Nest

Monday, March 23, 2015

FIRST, and Formost.

Many of us engage in one pastime that brings more smiles than any other; going down memory lane. For you who are old enough to have lots of memories, you think of all the important moments in your life. History changing moment like, the assassination of President Kennedy, the wedding of Lady Di, her son’s wedding or even the Twin Towers.

The best moments we will continue to visit are those that touched us personally.  Getting personal we may remember a number of special events. Things like graduation from grade 8, first car, first job, our wedding day, and also our own personal life changing moments. Unfortunately we all can so vividly remember the ill-fated ones we lived through. Like breaking a bone, not getting picked for the team or just missing a life changing moment.

As I went down my own memory lane recently I stayed a while on two special moments. Both intrinsically connected. It began with my first love. Most of us can relate. You can still see and hear them in your mind. When you close your eyes you can actually look into their face and relive the moment when you felt their hand in yours for the first time. The memories you shared flood your mind and you start to smile. You remember only sunny days and warm moon filled summer nights and you smile some more.  You continue to smile at the thought of those many, many, moments that you experienced. If you had similar experience I had, it all comes to a crashing halt when the memories abruptly come to a bridge out and you recollect standing there all alone. First Loves.

The other memory is directly related to the first. Let me read for you; “You have forsaken the love you had at first.” This line comes from the book of Revelation. It is all about leaving our first love.  That first love is God, in Jesus Christ. John wrote in another book, “We love because he first loved us”. I believe the allure of life gets in the way and we end up putting our love in other places. For us, they replace the one and true love we can have in our life. The love of Jesus Christ who said to our hearts, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”.

Something to think about.



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