Robin's Nest

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Just Something Small

You’ve heard it said so many times, “it’s the small things that count”. At other times it’s, “The best things come in small packages”.  For a young child, that doesn’t cut it. Just for a minute, follow my thought process. If you didn’t know it by now, Christmas is coming and I have a challenge for everyone. It might be difficult on many levels but at least try.
First let me say it may be difficult to find some meaningful gift that is small and appropriate. Let me reassure you they are there. Just the other day I found something I know someone can use. It’s small and can go in a nicely wrapped box.
The second thing I am encouraging you to do is not to go into a big box store to find it. Yes, going into those stores and one stop shopping sure makes life easy. But should I ask, are those you are buying for deserving of your commitment to find just the right thing? Just thought I would ask. There are so many places you can get things.  Like my grandson, I can go into any store that sells staple goods and buy him a large jar of Kraft peanut butter. To him, that’s good.
The third thing I would like you to do is to do it by only spending no more than ten dollars. No, you can not go to the dollar store.  Not that they don’t have great stocking stuffers. This may take some thinking but think about it before you go out the door to shop.
A number of years ago, my daughter bought me a lawn ornament that read, “Angels gather here”. It is one of my all time favourite gifts. It might have something to do with knowing they do gather here, but more than that, the realization of that phrase can change a life. While on holidays this fall, I was in a small Christian bookstore and found a Christmas tree ornament that said the same thing. Now, I have something inside on the tree to remind me God sends His angels to watch over me.
So there you have it. A challenge to be sure. Possible? Absolutely! So, take some time to get that perfect small gift. God said that if we search for it we will find it. He may have been referring to faith, but the Wise Men went searching, and they found that small bundle of heavenly joy, our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Something to think about.



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