Robin's Nest

Thursday, December 18, 2014


One of life’s certainties is that nothing stays the same. Everything changes. Individually we orchestra our lives and seek to move it in the direction we would like it to go. Sometimes it comes easy and other times, not so much. Have you ever tried so very hard to do something and found it totally allusive? For the last six week I have tried to be calm through Christmas. We even ventured into a sermon series on the Calm Characters of Christmas. This past Sunday we even looked at the shepherds. I imagine those working the night shift were enjoying the calm night. To me I envision them lying on the grass, gazing up at the star filled night, talking quietly amongst themselves. Talking about what they were going to do in the morning, or how much sleep they had yesterday. They might even have been telling stories or jokes or maybe even talking about the Rabbis sermon last Saturday. God only knows. All we know is things change instantly.
External influences change us just like it changed them. Night after night, year in year out they did the same thing. Yes they were waiting patiently for the Saviour to show up but He had not come. They might have even forgotten to keep praying for Him to come. Life took over in importance. There were bills to pay, sheep to herd, shear, butcher. The wife, the kids, even fixing the roof and redecorating the kitchen. So much of life continued to take their focus of the coming Messiah.
And that is what has happened to almost all of us this past month. We have been busy. Busy doing stuff. Doing many of the same things the shepherd did. Pay bill, go to work, spouse, kids, pets and even fixed the loose tile in the bathroom. On top of this we collapsed exhausted each evening on the couch, stared at the muted television, and ended up quietly talking. Talking about what to buy for who. Where and who we would be visiting and on which day. Oh yes, so and so are coming over, might have to get up two hours early that day to clean house and shop for some munchies, short bread and Christmas cake. Notice something? We too have forgotten that the King is Coming!  
When all is said and done, we will wake up Christmas morning. Life will have changed. We have not missed the Baby’s coming. It took a heaven filled with angels to wake up the shepherds as the sheep continued to sleep. What is it going to take to wake us up? Christmas is not about us, not about the presents we get and give, it is about Him and Him alone. It’s about God coming into our world and changing it in the person of His Son. The child who changed the world forever, still changes our world. We just have to calm our hearts, see the Glory of God in His Son and let Him live within our hearts now and forever. 
Have a Happy Christmas with the one for whom we celebrate.
Something to think about.


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