Robin's Nest

Monday, December 08, 2014

Don't forget!

Had a conversation with my brother just the other day.  Eventually the conversation turned to the national pastime of all Canadians – weather. Yes, we all talk about the weather, complain about weather and even celebrate weather depending on your preference or daily inclination. On that subject, have you noticed, there has been little white stuff since that early one back in November? I knew you didn’t.
What stuck out in my mind from this conversation was how we have gone through day after day and haven't really taken notice that we have had little or no snow.  Well, except for Buffalo. Have you started to forget what the snow was all about? Don’t. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a believer in winter snow that should show up overnight on Christmas Eve and then disappear on Boxing Day. But back to the mind. Strange how the mind forgets some things as we deal with our everyday existence.
Something else we are forgetting.  Now don’t get bent all out of shape wondering what you forgot. Women are especially prone to get stressed when they think they have forgotten something. It can’t be all the gifts we are purchasing for those we hold dearly. It can’t be the extra groceries or the baking. Can’t even be the Santa Claus that the children are writing to.
What we could sometime forget in the rush to Dec. 24 is Jesus. We sometimes leave Him behind. We forget it’s His birthday party. Not only do we forget Him, but we forget to give Him our gift, or have a cake or realize the party is for Him. Those who attend church, go and celebrate.
If you are one of those people who are spiritually minded and love Jesus Christ, but have given up on church, and don’t attend church anymore, I want to encourage you to go sometime in the next few weeks. I really don’t care why you left church, that’s between you and God. You see, many of us still believe in Christ. We believe He came to earth to not just to die but to show us a God who loves us and cares about us and wants to know us more deeply as we get to know Him more intensely. I want you to go just once, and I don't care which building you go into. Go more if you like but I don't want any of us to forget, IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY. Go to the party and give Him the best gift you can give, your heart. Then sing Happy Birthday Jesus in your new heart, because He gives it back to you to use.


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