Robin's Nest

Monday, October 20, 2014

I Forgot Again!

We have all walked into a room and asked ourselves, “Now, what did I come in here for?” When this happens we sometimes call it a senior’s moment. Well, I did some research. My research, even though it’s not too scientific, came up with the conclusion that almost everyone has these moments. Interestingly, they seem to come more often as we get older. My research didn’t explore that part.  When it happens to me,  I usually remember about three weeks later, and by then it doesn’t matter anymore.
While this part of our mental wellbeing confounds us, our minds do other strange things. It remember the most  unusual things.  It’s almost like trivia for no reason at all. Well, actually we do remember all those trivial moments because many of them come from times where situations impacted our lives. Like the times, yes plural, when I came out of the house to drive to work only to find a flat tire and knowing that I had it down to a science and could change a tire in five minutes flat.
As I visit residents at Macassa Lodge here in Hamilton, I have found that everyone wants to share their story, their memories. They talk about long ago. Sharing how their life evolved and who walk with them. Almost everyone who shares their story ends up talking about their best friend.  Today they are called BFF. Interestingly, they seldom talk about things. Do you understand what that means? It means the most important part of life is wrapped up in people. Tell that to the rich young ruler who came to Jesus and asked what he needed to have eternal life.
For those of us who have walked a long time with God, we can tell stories of how God came into our lives, how He walked with us in our sorrows and how He shared in our triumph when we leaned on Him. You see, He is not just our friend, He is our Father. There is also no one in all creation that can be a better friend then Jesus, and that is why we sing:
What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and grief’s to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!
Something to think about


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