Robin's Nest

Monday, September 29, 2014

Autumn Leaves

We are now into fall. It can be a beautiful season. Looking at the leaves change colour, and slowly walking away from the heat of summer into that ‘nice’ weather of autumn. I guess we all put ourselves in one of four weather categories. You know them and can relate best to one of them. Not a snow-cold person? Look forward to spring. Don’t particularly like too much heat, project yourself into fall. You get the picture of the other two.
We all have our preferences. But with each of these preferences we have responsibilities. In spring, you have the gardens to wake up and the barbeque to get out of the shed, and, and. Summer is the same, getting ready for this vacation and that trip and even just a drive to the beach. For those who can’t wait for the first snow, go up north as it came to them already.  Just kidding. Put the beach balls away, along with the patio furniture.  Wax the skis and invest in a new pair of gloves, and rush around for Christmas is coming.
But I think fall is different. I believe it is that time of year that we pause. How easy it is to sit and just enjoy the world around us. We here in Ontario have the most amazing colours found anywhere in this world. There is no more hurry up and get moving. No more chasing weeds in the yard. No immediate planning. Fall is just a wonderful time to love life and have the time to do appreciate it.
This past Sunday, we had opportunity to drive north of the church and felt so at peace looking at the array of colours that had already arrived there. It was the first time in a long time that we went for a Sunday drive. Remember those drives before $5.50/gal.
That is when it hit me; we have an autumn each and every Sunday when we go to church. It is an opportunity to just pause from daily life and gaze into the face of God. John told me a long time ago that coming to church on Sunday was the only time he had to sit and do nothing. Autumn, Sunday church, those moments we all need to relax, reenergize and rekindle our love for a God who paints one amazing landscape each fall.
Something to think about.   


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