Tell Me Now!
What are they thinking? That is exactly what I think every time I drive to work. Or drive more than twenty minutes. Like most of us, we have the radio on and in most cases it’s the morning commute. Scattered amongst their chatter we hear something like this: “Stay tuned for more information on . . .” Or another good one that bothers me; “We will tell you all about such and such in a few more minutes”, or even: “Stay with us, after the next set of twenty five commercials we will tell you the long range forecast". Really? And just when I'm pulling up and parking the car. Do these radio stations think we live in our cars? It's my guess most people listening to the radio do so in their cars.
This is what I think. If they just tell us they would save a lot of time. Don’t tell me you’re going to tell me something in 15 minutes. Don’t they realize that no one is going to sit in their car, once they get to where they are going, and wait to hear about such and such which really isn’t that important anyway? I don’t care what celebrity was pulled over for DUI. Don’t send me emails. I know it’s a gimmick to try and keep people listening. Do you know what I do like? “Breaking News Just In.” and then they tell you. Awesome.
I’m a straight up person and if you want to tell us something, go ahead and tell us. Don’t keep us waiting for something that isn’t that important to wait for in the first place. This sort of thing happens in all kinds of areas of our lives. I even get emails with special offers for ministry products that they tell you all about and “you need it so bad so order now” - WITHOUT telling you the price until you get to the last electronic page...
When I first went into preaching class the professor said, “Just tell them.” At that time a sermon had three parts. Here is what we were taught; “Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them and then tell them what you told them”. Pretty simple I thought. Then I discovered something I really like in the Gospel of John. He just told them and before you finished three chapters you knew the truth that set you free. “For God so loved you . . .”
Something to think about.
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