Just One Word!
There is a word consisting of four letters that can mean
different things to different people.
For most people, it’s the word many of us look forward to hearing from
time to time. Women listen to hear it and men wait to say it. Well, at least
until the women says it first, but then again, not every time.
In our modern English is can refer to a positive emotion. It’s
positive at times in a small sense or enormous when it is connected with strong
emotions. In one way, some people will say it with flippancy while others use
it so sparingly one might believe the person has never said it. On top of this
it can be associated with things as well as people. I guess it’s very difficult
for some people to actually mouth the words.
The teenage age boy will say it haltingly. As he looks at this girl who likes him a lot,
he thinks it over for a very long time until he gets up the courage to actually
say, - THAT WORD. “You know, we have
known each other for a long time and I have liked you all this time but now,
something else has happened and I want you to know that I LLllllll, . . . I
Lllllooooooo, I Lovvvvvvvv, I Love You? I love you”. Took long enough but
he finally got it out. All the time he is thinking to himself, “Seems so easy
to say it about the car but not the girlfriend”.
Friday we will be celebrating love. For some, it will be
difficult to say those three letter words, for others it will probably be
easier to buy something and leave it on the kitchen table when you go off to
work. For some, love has been a bit of a struggle for a while. Seems like love has
been less evident for some time. Take a minute, close your eyes and relive the
love that started it all those many years ago. Got it? Remember? Relive that
amazing moment on Friday and say it because you mean it. Go ahead, say it!
After all God said it to us and did in for us in John 3:16.
“For God so loved you (the world) He gave you His Son. . .
Something to think about.
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