Just Joining The Dots
Do you remember this proverb? “The shortest distance between
two points is a straight line.” Of course you do. Even though it may be true, a
straight line is almost impossible to achieve. Except with kids. There is
always something getting in the way, the road is never straight or life never
runs smooth. It can be true in some ways, but the likelihood, not so much. All
we need to think about is trying to travel from one place another; we can never
travel as the crow flies.
When I was a child we lived in a brand new survey. Behind
our house at that time was the outhouse, one empty muddy field, and beyond that,
the school we all attended. The best way to school for a five year old was a
straight line. We went out the door, past the outhouse, (stopping there
occasionally), over the empty lot, cross the street and into school. Mud and
all. My brother and I had it timed. We knew the bell rang at 9am and we left
the house at 8:57am. Made it in time - every time. Our sisters on the other hand, took another route to school. They went out the door, down the driveway, and around the block
on the nicely poured concrete sidewalks. Now, which one would you take?
Remember doing dot to
dot and revealing what the picture was? All of us knew where we
were going by following the numbers. We joined the dots. We did the same with our journey to school; one
went one way and my brother and I made a straight line;
it’s just so much easier to go in a straight line. The outcome was the same.
The same is true for our spiritual journey. All of us want
to get to God. For some, it’s a long journey. We sometimes take what we think
as the best road. At other times we get off track and go around in circles,
take detours and even get lost in the maze of life. No GPS for this journey. Matthew 7:13 tells us, “For
wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many
enter through it”. I want you to know
the good news, there is a straight line to God and His love. My bible reads in John 14:6; Jesus
said . . . , “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the
Father, but by me”.
Which way are you going?
Something to think about
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