Robin's Nest

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

No Time!

There is never enough time. You know it and I know it. And the older you get, the faster the time seems to go. Might have something to do with, once over the hill, I’m picking up speed going downhill. My dad warned me about this. He was retired for over thirty years and he kept saying that his days never lasted long enough to get done all he planned each day.

Or it could be other things that go on in our lives. Like watching too much tv. I noticed that recently when I had my to do list in front of me and the tv was on with no one at the controls. I thought someone should be. So I picked up the remote and proceeded to sit down just to catch the end of one program that lead to another and another and. . . You get the picture. You might even have seen yourself in that picture.

Then there is that wonderful past time of reading. “But it’s so good I can’t put it down”. I even know someone who gets so enthralled in a book she goes to bed after she turns the last page at 1 or 2 in the morning. Wouldn’t it be something to hear of someone doing that as they read their bible? Could happen. Well, might happen. Okay, not likely.

But our bible is full of stories about relationships between the God we worship and the people who look to get closer and closer to Him. And there all about real people in real life situations. How about the guy who cut off a person’s ear? Or the fellow who wandered with a bunch of people for 40 years never stopping to get directions? There is the rub.

We do have enough time each day to take care of all the things we have to do. I believe our problem is found in setting priorities. We always have time to do the things that are important for us. Time to work on hobbies. Time to garden or wash the car of just go for a long relaxing walk. Even go to Horton’s for coffee.

There is time. There is even time for God. Time to turn off the tv, close the book, and any other number of things that invade our life and lifestyle. When God is our priority, there is lots of time for Him as well.

Something to think about.



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