Robin's Nest

Monday, September 09, 2019

Helping Dad

This past Sunday we talked about priorities. Most of us in this world have them and most of the time we are able to sort them out in relation to what is most important. Well, most of the time. If your life is much like mine you realize very early in life that everything that goes on is fluid, much like honey. Or as many people put it, ‘at times, go with the flow’.

I’ve had that happen more times in a week than I change my shirt. It seems like, when I have got it all figured out, BAM, something else presents itself and changes everything. Scrap that page, or re-write it with new priorities.

A long time ago, my dad called me a lot. One particular occasion he needed some help with something at their house and wondered if I could come over and give them a hand. I offered my right hand because my left hand was busy. He didn’t laugh. Being a good son, I told him I would be over as soon as I could. You see, I had my list and was working the list. Two hours later I get a phone call from his wife asking me why I’m wasn’t there yet. You see, the help they wanted and needed was at the top of their list. And, I guess their #1 priority trumped (pun intended) mine.

Interestingly, when I hung up the phone, I continued on my #1 priority until it was done and then made my way to dads. That is when a song came into mind. “Let’s Just Praise The Lord!” I sing that a lot now. Sort of helps me realize what’s really important, and that something is loving God enough to let go of my priorities when showing love to others is His.

Something to think about



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