Robin's Nest

Monday, September 02, 2019

School Is Calling - all of us.

BACK TO SCHOOL! What a great line. Sometime this week, all our children will head back to school. For most it will be the same building but different room. And with the different room, it will be a different teacher. That is unless the teacher also graduated to the next grade. Most everyone will feel pretty comfortable getting back.
Then there are others who have now left the primary grade school and going in the door was, well, unsettling. There is the new building, all new teachers and yes, definitely a different room. I remember moving from grade six to grade seven where I first noticing the high ceilings. So, I thought, lol, this is higher learning. And it was. Those first changes in our educational journey changed most of us. We viewed ourselves as growing up. High School did that again only on a greater scale with more students in one building.
A few of our number are now in college or university. There they will have many teachers, many buildings and lots more to learn. It is also where our freedom from home makes us measure our responsibility to which we measure our maturity. After that? Well, learning doesn’t just come to an end with a diploma. That is not the end. We all have lifelong learning ahead of us.
And just as the students are off to school so we must be off to church. It is there that we learn week in and week out that we don’t know enough about God and it will take a lifetime to get to know him. Even if you have taken a year or two off of church you can still catch up. In four months we will leave behind our verse for the year here at the church. But it’s presence in our life will not fade.
Phil 3:10, ‘I want to know Christ – ‘
Something to think about
Remember: Back To Church Sunday Sept 15th


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