Robin's Nest

Monday, August 26, 2019

Don't Sweat the Big Stuff

Do you ever wonder the big stuff? Like, I mean real big stuff. Not necessarily God Big, but, big for you and me. My one professor told us one day that his wife dealt with the small stuff of running the house and he dealt with the big things; like, world peace, cure for cancer and that sort of stuff. We smiled politely.

Thinking this way has been on my mind for a while as I tried to discover if I had any big stuff in my life. There I sat for too long wondering if my life had any big stuff accomplishments over the last sixty years or so. To find it we first have to rid ourselves of the God big stuff, like keeping the moon in place and orbit. Some of us, the big things included life decisions that got us to where we are today all while dodging big problems that appear out of no where.

Even picking the right profession for ourselves has had its problems and triumphs. Just the other day I almost asked a clerk at the store if this was where she thought she would be in life when she graduated out of school. Almost. Maybe that is an important question we need to asking ourselves.

You might agree with me that big stuff seems to come at the least expected moments. Like the time I started talking to someone and the conversation turned to faith. And I shared Jesus with them and their heart soared to heaven.  And so many times I have stood in front of the congregation, shared something or other, only to feel when I was done that I have blown it. I was dejected, until someone came up to me and said something like: “How did you know? You were talking to me today, thanks, I needed that”.  This even happened again this past Sunday.  The truth I see is the big stuff can be found in small packages.

The ‘Big Stuff' shows up in an insignificant moment when God, me, and another person all show up together, just to talk. That's it! It’s not about great things it’s about making a difference in each other’s life. Remember some of those big moments are wrapped in small stuff? Mother Teresa said, ‘We can’t all do the big stuff but we can do small things with Great Love’.

Something to think about.



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