Robin's Nest

Monday, November 21, 2016

Signal Your Intention

When you’re driving, do you use your directional indicators? I mean, all the time. Just asking. You know what they are right? They are that option in the car that you have always called blinkers or flashers. Most cars have them on the left side of the top of the steering column right under the wheel. Push it down to let people know you are turning left and push it up to let them know you intention is to go right. That’s the thing I’m asking about.
The reason I’m asking is, so many people seemed to have never ordered this option for their car. And this is very evident especially with more expensive cars.  I was out driving one day, and I almost always use them, even in the middle of the night when no one is there to see me use them. Had someone in the back seat at the time commend me for using them all the time. He too had noticed the same cars without this option. They don’t even use hand signals, remember them? MMMMMM. Something to think about.
This got me to thinking about our lives as followers of Christ. God said He sent to each of us the Holy Spirit to live and reside in each of our hearts. As a Christian, this is not an option. You have it, I have it, we just ask God and BAM, and there the Spirit is. But then… But then, do we live like we have the Spirit? A week or so ago I spoke on the Spirit here at church. He is there I said, but we don’t let Him take complete control over our lives all the time. We sometimes want to take back control of our lives. Just like last week,  “I did it my way”.
This brings me to the realization that just as when we drive and let people know which direction we are going by signalling, so we can do the same thing in life. After all, didn’t Jesus say, “Follow Me.” And if He did, and if we do, maybe we can let people know which way we are going and they can follow us as we follow Him.
Something to think about.


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