Robin's Nest

Friday, October 21, 2016

Delights of Life - Smile

One delight of living in a world created by God is, it has so many things to explore. Every one of them can and should bring a smile to our faces, and excitement to our lives. I heard that! There really is and our seasons are one of the best evidences of that.
Here is my short list.  Fall is definitely upon us and the leaves are falling. Well, in most of the province but not entirely here in the Hamilton area. It’s called fall for a reason but before they fall we have this amazing display of unimaginable colour that defies the imagination. God does paint with a different brush than we have ever seen. And yes, it makes me smile.
Before we know it, frozen water will come to us as the season changes to winter. I think this might be Gods’ way of covering up the mess of fall when those colourful leaves all turn brown. Remember looking out the front window last year on that fresh layer of the white stuff and thinking how beautiful it was? That was before you realized you had to go dig out.
How about spring? Almost felt like it is never going to come after those six weeks and one groundhog. The bulbs come and then the buds. It’s new life and we to come out of our hibernation. The sun warms our backs and all the white stuff melts away to reveal and new beginning and our first Robin.
This brings us to summer. Wonderfully God continually places in front of us so many things He created that we may not have noticed before. For me, most sunsets catch my attention as it sets in the west just behind our tv set in the front room. What a joy to see again God’s display of colour in the warm evening sky. Never the same, just the same painter.
Most of the time, all I can do is say, “Thank you Lord”.
Something to think about


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