Robin's Nest

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Come Fly With Me

Just like Bernie, I really love to fly. When I was young, read that twenty something, I made the decision to take flying lessons. It was one of my dreams at the time. Unfortunately, my pay didn’t provide enough cash for a family of three and flying lesson each week. Never did finish those wonderful amazing lessons.
Still, over the years I have continued to enjoy flying, even from a passenger seat. Sorry to those who are not fond of flying, but there is just something about it that changes me each time we lift off. My heart beats stronger when I know I will be putting myself in that seat and climbing to thirty-five thousand feet. To me those first few second after liftoff are like nothing else, not even the first climb on a roller coaster.
There is something else that comes to me every time. Once you are up there, you have a different perspective of this world and the place you occupy on terra-firma. From up there everything seems so small,insignificant and inconsequential. Seems to me that can relate to part of the getting above our problems and struggles.
God wants us to do just that, get above our problems. I remember the first time I ever flew. I was in the military on my way in 1966 to Banff Alberta to six weeks of training in the mountains. It was not a sunshiny day as the plane taxied out to the runway. I stared out the window as we began to move with full throttle, then lifting off and started the climb. The rain and gloom of the world we lived in soon disappeared when we passed through the clouds and emerged on top of them into the bright light of the sun. What an experiences.
God can do that again in our lives if we let Him. He will lift all of us above the experiences of life when we open our eyes and see things as He does. When the Son shines in our lives, life changes. It’s made new and we have a different perspective of life and the eternal life He bought for us with His sacrifice. Should I dare to ask you to come fly with me?
Something to think about.


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