Robin's Nest

Monday, November 28, 2016


AAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  Sorry, I had to get it out.  Early this morning I sat down in the office and opened my email account. It’s Monday by the way, and not just any Monday but Cyber Monday. Which means out of thirty four emails, twenty eight were trying to sell me something. If that isn’t bad enough, the flyers in the mailbox have outgrown the mailbox.
I assume you are experiencing something similar in your life as well. It’s now full blown Christmas. Or as I think of it, ‘spending time’.  We are totally bombarded with ads trying to help us spend our hard earned money on their items. Did you notice even the radio stations seem to have more advertisements than usual?
Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas and every year my family asks me to come up with a list of items I would like for Christmas. Let’s just say, at this time in life I don’t need or want for too many things. I have thirty five sweaters of which most of them are back in style. I even have one large drawer of socks that outnumber the days of summer. I tried telling them they could give me some, ‘peace of mind’, or one day off. They didn’t by that, no pun intended.
All of this had me to thinking we are missing the boat. Why don’t we as the carriers of this celebration, advertise our Christmas. Mass advertise Christmas Eve Service and now, wait for it, Christmas Day Sunday Celebration. Put ads everywhere. Tell them what we have. Make it sound so exciting and so irresistible that everyone will want to come. Follow this with making it irresistable & exciting. Then tell them, IT’S FREE!!!
That’s right, FREE. Advertise something like - Come to our Christmas Eve “Candle Lighting Silent Night Celebration” FREE. No charge, no offering, no hand out, just that wonderful time and experience of understanding that Jesus Christ came at Christmas to save the world from sin and give us all the gift that cannot be bought in a store. The gift only God can give is forgiveness, and with it the free gift of Eternal Life.
Something to think about.


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