Robin's Nest

Monday, February 01, 2016

Groundhogs & Sunshine

Tuesday this week is Groundhog Day.  They made a movie about it a long time ago and when I tried to watch it, I found myself asking, ‘Really’? Groundhog Day is Feb 2 and for some unknown reason they wake up a very sleepy groundhog to see if he sees his shadow. If he does, spring will be late.
Not very scientific but maybe this year we don’t need him as winter hasn’t really arrived. I have not started my snow blower once this ear. Next door neighbour started his last week just to make sure it would still run. The temperature has been mild to say the least and this week I noticed that maybe double digits. What’s with that?
Now back to the poor groundhog. Has anyone ever remembered his predictions over the years? I mean, sure he says early or late by his shadow but, and that’s a big BUT, have you ever checked six weeks later to see if he is right? I bet there isn’t one of you that can tell me the date of six weeks from Feb 2. Okay, just so you know, it’s March 15th. When it comes, will there be a headline saying he was right or wrong? Not likely.
I know some of you are saying I should lighten up. And maybe I’m just trying to poke fun at something that is only there to entertain us through what can be the cold days of winter. We get a glimpse of spring if only in our minds and it raises our spirits. That’s a good thing.
Jesus did the same thing when He said He was going ahead of us to prepare a place for us there in heaven. Like spring, we don’t know when heaven will arrive. For now, we just know it’s coming and it raises our spirits and fills our minds with all the good things about what we can look forward to when God calls us home.  Yes, heaven is coming for each one of us; we just need to be ready.
Something to think about.


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