Robin's Nest

Monday, January 18, 2016

Footprints In The Snow

Went for a walk the other night. It was cold and there was a new dusting of snow. The streets were abandoned and only the street lights to mark my way. It's not too far to the corner store from our front door but it was a bit cold. Most of us measure our steps and know how cold we will be before we get in the store and the opposite coming home. I found myself moving a little quicker than normal. Did I say it was cold?
Didn’t think much about the walk to the store. I guess I was in too much of a hurry to get there and back home. All this suffering just for a bag of chips. No dip tonight. While in the store I took a stroll down the chocolate bar isle. There in front of me was an array of delights and even some marked down. Something about being out of date soon. You would be proud of me, I didn’t buy any.
There were only two other people in the store at the time. Both of them were employees. At the check out there was a friendly hello, an exchange of money and a “Have fun” as I was out the door in a hurry to get home.
I was moving faster, or so I thought until something slowed my steps. There, coming towards me were my one set of imprints in the snow. A lonely set. For  a moment I thought them so, so, lonely. Just one print after another print after another print. I was myself starting to feel very much alone. That was until someone passed me. Probably on their way to the store to get some chips as well. I nodded my head and continued on my way. Looking down again, I now took notice of two sets of prints. Sometimes side by side and sometimes overlapping each other. I even looked back and saw three sets. I felt better and not so alone.

As I closed the door behind me I began to reflect on how sometimes we feel all alone. Interestingly that second set of footprints made me smile knowing that we really aren’t alone. Take a look around at your life. So many others in this world walk with us. They call us, email, text and even drop over. Yes, I have to say we are not really alone. Not only are there other people who walk this journey with us, but we, who love the Lord, have Him to walk with as well. Now we can smile as we turn back to look for His footprints in your life.
Something to think about


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