Robin's Nest

Monday, November 16, 2015


“The best things in life are free.” Tell that to the child as they stand in the toy section of the department store. I’ve said this before; kids do not need to get something every time they go to the store with mom or dad. If they do, they expect it for the rest of their lives. But back to this line.
Tried to find out where the line originated but it’s just called an English proverb. Might be first attributed to Abraham Lincoln but actually attributed to Samuel Goldwyn. Even before that it was originally included in a poem by William Wordsworth, but then in the 1920’s Coco Chanel add this line, “but the second best things are very, very expensive.” It became the basis of a musical in 1927 and went on to be a movie with Gordon Macrae. You sort it out. I just believe it to be true.
One anonymous individuals quote included; “Sleep, hugs, kisses, love, friends, family, memories, smiles, laughter, fun, the best things in life are free.” They are so right. Think about it. Go down the street and have someone smile at you. Don’t you feel good after? And it was free. Or how about on the calm cold Christmas Eve when you are alone with your thoughts and you remember a previous memory of another Christmas Eve and you feel warm inside.
And if that Christmas Eve is connected to the baby in the manger, and knowing He gave us forgiveness free, isn’t that the most amazing free gift you have ever received? Maybe that is one of those moments when we experience free-dom from our sins. And that is;
Something to think about.


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