Robin's Nest

Monday, November 09, 2015

Peace of God

Churchill said it best and his words echo through the centuries on into the future; “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”  Those words are imprinted into our history books as a beacon of what never should ever happen in a world where everyone verbalizes the reality of peace and yet it is so elusive. Every Nov. 11th all of us stop and remember. We remember all wars but two world wars more than the others. On Nov. 11th 1918 at 5am an armistice with Germany was signed and at the eleventh hour, war ceased.
Peace was and is elusive. Even today war continues as man against man seeks to have power over others. It’s where we don’t have the freedom to do and be what we want. Yes, conflict is in our world but also in our very lives. Most people realize that all conflicts are based in the area of power. Do you remember this phrase said by Baron Acton; “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely?
November 11th is that rare two minutes of silence where peace tries to raise its triumphal head in victory. Sadly it doesn’t. In those too short brief moments all that we can do is bow our heads and close our eyes and ask God to help us to never send our young people to war, but also thank Him for the brave men and women that fought and died and still fight for freedom today.
I believe for the world to have peace, it needs to first start with ourselves. In everyone’s home and in our communities and in our cities before it can reach our country and world. Martin Luther King Jr. knew this better than most when he said; “Let freedom ring…” So, take a few moments to thank those who fought for our freedom, because freedom costs, today and tomorrow.
And as wonderful as these words expressed by great men, Jesus words are better than anyone’s, said anywhere, at any time, as they are recorded in John 14:27;
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
Something to think about


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