Time To Put The Feet Up.
I’m giving you permission to put your feet up. Go ahead.
Feet up, brain in neutral, and just empty your mind. Feel good? Yes? That’s
great. We need to do this every so often. And the older we get, the more often
it happens, the better it feels. My neighbour taught me something a while ago without saying a
word. In his garage he has all the tools, all the ‘man’ stuff and then some. He
also has had two office managers chairs that tilt back nicely. He also has had
a very comfortable chair just like Archie Bunker had or maybe Red Green with
the duct tape and all.
Many times I have ventured over next door and found him
seated in one chair with his feet up on one of the other chairs, hands locked
together behind his head and eyes closed. Of course he would never admit to
sleeping, just relaxing is what he would say. I would stir him with my usual line, “What’s
up?” And inevitably he would reply, “This is it!” His favourite line is, “My
plan is not to have a plan”.
A number of years ago he checked out of the rat race, after
all, none of us want to be rats, right? He still puts his foot in once and a
while but most of the time, tilted back, hands behind the head and a mind that
goes in so many directions. Nice.
Years ago, I was caught up in going, doing, working,
struggling, thinking, achieving, completing, even making lists of things to do. Just like you.
Then one day I read a couple of verses that changed things. The first one was, in Matthew 16; “I will
build my church”. And the second was in Hebrews 13; “and may he work in us what
is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever.
It was then that I realized Christ is at work in this world
and in me and I can rest in Him. Yes, I’m up and at it when He calls just like
you. And He will do what He will do and sometimes including you and me. Other times, we can put our feet up, slip our brains into neutral and just let our
mind dwell on Him.
Don’t get too comfortable, I think I just heard Him call.
Something to think about.
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