NORMAL? What's That?
YAHOO!!! The Kids are back to school. And there is nothing but smiles all around. Well, almost. The regular flow of life is slowly returning. Most of the children are glad to be back at school. New classes, new teachers, new clothes and backpacks. On top of that, there are new experiences just around the corner. All good! Again I need to remind you of the operative word I used, ‘most’.
Life is returning to normal. As if there is anything that resembles normality. We create our own normal. So, have fun doing that. Zip Line if you want. I have built my life’s work on never settling for ordinary, or typical. Many of you who know me know I’m not normal, but keep it to yourself and love me anyway.
So, let’s clarify. Life has its regular way of moving along. It’s wonderful for almost all of us here in this life. But lets face it, we get used to one day moving into the next and the next and the next. If gives all of us some sense of order or dare I say, continuity. It’s not even a pattern of living, it’s more like life feels good when it’s predictable.
And that is what our children are again getting used to. They are beginning another ten months of controlled chaos. Not a chance. They are getting ready for another amazing year of adventure, going from where they are in life to where they will emerge in ten months. The thing is, in most cases it will be totally oblivious to them and the change comes gradually one day at a time.
So, normal is as good as it gets. It moves us from where we are to where we can be ten months or five years down the road. The same is true in our Christian journey. We are changing and growing in our faith, one day at a time. Nothing normal about that. We are indeed marching toward home, heaven. Part of this moving forward includes getting involved in our own process. That includes, daily walking with God as we read our bible and talk to Him and of course, a weekly return to the place where it all begins, CHURCH.
Something to think about
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