Robin's Nest

Monday, June 09, 2014

Just An Old Comfy Chair

Over the years most of us have purchased items we thought we could not live without. You know what I’m saying. Take for instance the hand held, battery powered back massage item. Just push it up against your skin and away it goes. Let it go and it stops. It was wonderful the first couple of times. That was until is just never stopped running.  It’s been sitting here on my desk for two years, with no batteries in it because it never shuts off anymore. Most people who know me well, know I mute commercials. After all I don’t need anything they are selling. How about those tv adds that just always seem to have something you can’t live without and tell you, “you deserve it”. Hogwash! Then there are the knick knacks that no one needs. And don’t get me started on the waffle iron that burned the first dozen waffles and is now way up high in the highest cupboard because you think you will forget it’s there because it’s so high up.

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not talking about just stuff we buy. I’m talking about stuff you really, really need to make your life complete. The old car ran so well but you needed a new one, and you can’t live . . .  Our cupboards, closets, drawers, cabinets and every other square inch of storage is crammed with stuff we couldn’t . . .  Do we or should I say, did we really need them?

Got so many things that we say we need and we will use and then we don't. But then we have stuff we need desperately and use them all the time. Things life microwaves, cups, kettles, plates, pots and pans, tv, even knives, forks and bowls. Oh, you call them necessities, and not things I can’t live . . .

My great Aunt Hazel was one amazing lady. I was her last visitor before she went to be with the Lord. After the funeral, her best friend invited me to Aunt Hazels home for my last visit. There I found an empty house.  I saw a single bed, dresser, kitchen table with two chairs, a few utensils and an easy chair near the dinning room window over looking the city of Burlington. and beside the chair an end table. That was all that was left, except . . . her black taped bible. You see, that one thing that we need all the time and never seem to have time for, our bibles is all we eternally need.

Something to think about.



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