Robin's Nest

Monday, June 02, 2014

No Fairy Tale

Our minds do strange things when life is quiet and the only sounds we hear are the birds' spring songs and the gentle breeze whispering through the trees. It happened last night for me. I started to think not just about the day that was quickly moving on, but about life and love and where does this all lead to. You see, we lost someone from our life on Saturday. Events like these help us to put things in proper perspective.

As I reflected on the events of early Saturday morning, my mind caught on a conversation I had a number of years ago. It happened after church one Sunday when a woman came up to me and started letting me know what she thought about something I had said.  Goes to prove someone was listening that day. This is what I remember; she said, “I don’t believe there is a heaven.” Of course, my first reaction was, “REALLY?”

This past conversation started moving around in my head as I moved around our backyard. Eric Clapton wrote some interesting words after losing his son.

Would you hold my hand    If I saw you in heaven?

Would you help me stand   If I saw you in heaven?

You might have thought I would have come up with a hymn first. Not so due to the other things whirling around in my head. I could have reminded myself of Eliza Hewitt’s hymn that says; “When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be . . .”  Or maybe Rich Mullins as he wrote, Heaven In His Eyes, referring to looking into the eyes of Jesus.

To that lady that Sunday morning, I told her all about heaven. I started by saying I believe in a literal Heaven. It’s right there before our eyes in scripture. And I’m glad it is. Really, I can remember lots of hymns, songs and many scriptures but nothing is sweeter to hear than Jesus saying, “I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” I then invited her to come with me. Do you want to join us?

Something to think about



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