Robin's Nest

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Just Today

Here is a question that we have heard many times before.  It comes out of a conversation I had with a six year old.  You may never realized how much you can learn about people if we ask this question. Or the same question in similar ways.
Part way through this past school year I ask this child, “What are you looking forward to?” It was just after Christmas so they did not have opportunity to answer Christmas. Interestingly they said, “I’m looking forward to the weekend because we are going to . . . “ Sounded reasonable. Two weeks ago I asked them again and they responded with something related to the end of school. How practical.
Then I thought about their answers. The younger they are, it seems the immediate is more important then the far away. Seeing them again last evening, I asked if they are looking to go back to school soon. Negative on that one.
So, go ahead and ask yourself what you are looking forward to. Oh, I can hear some of you say you have short term goals and long term goals. And that is part of being an adult and being encouraged through life to have those types of goals. Want to get a job, start a relationship in the next few years, even plans for the distance once you have made the money to pay for it. Older adults have the things they are looking forward to, they revolve around retirement and then the proverbial bucket list. Good movie by the way.
With each stage in life, the things we look forward to change. I remember Nancy asked her father at one of his late in life birthday parties as he blew out the candles, “What did you wish for dad?” To this Frank Sinatra answered, “Another one!”
Each morning when I get up my short term goals are few. I look forward to seeing God in something each and every day.  And I look forward to experiencing something of God in me. You see, I think kids have it right. Think of the immediate of greater importance. And with the accumulation of all the small, daily things we look forward to, we will realize that each and every day we will always arrive at what we are looking forward to.  Ultimately it will be to “walk humbly with our God.”
One day at a time, sweet Jesus
That's all I'm asking from you
Give me the strength to do everything that I have to do
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine
Help me today
Show me the way
One day at a time.
Something to think about


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