I Come To The Garden . . .
There are known steps amongst us green thumbs that we adhere
to, or should I say there are a number of steps or activities we have to accomplish
as we plan our gardens to get them beautiful. Here is an example of the simplest
steps we initiate right at the very beginning of gardening. If starting from
seed, we sometimes have to immerse them in water first before putting them in
the ground. Pretty simple? From there we have to accomplish other tasks as we
get the garden ready for the seeds. There is the time we spend preparing the
soil, pull out all the weeds, turning the soil, breaking up the large clumps,
even removing the stones and rocks. Then we go back and diligently watch for
the sneaky weeds return.
That just gets the soil ready. On top of that we can fertilize,
water, make sure the seeds or plants are in the right place, with the right
amount of sun or shade. The list continues. Once the plant is established, we
go back and weed again. Then trim off the suckers that take away too much
nourishment that robs the main flowers and later the fruit and/or vegetables. All in a day’s work for a green thumb.
As you drive around town, take a look at every house you go
by. Yes, all of them. Some have
elaborate gardens, while other are neat and tide or as the younger generation
call it, minimalistic. Each one will
tell you the importance of gardening to its owner. And try as we all do, weeds
still show up every week. What we see in these gardens also tells you the importance
some people place on gardening while others may have more pressing issues in their
lives. Like chasing after small children and keeping the dog behind the fence
where it wears the grass out.
Every lawn and garden may be nice to see, but behind it all
is a God who gives the growth. You see, we can do all kinds of work, but it was
God who put the seed together. We had no portion in its design. No amount of
green thumb know how could have constructed a seed in such a way that it
reproduces. All the biological microscopic
structure of that one small seed that we put in the water, was not put together
by us, it was God. He supplies the seed, the ground, and supplies the sun,
clouds and rain in its season to give the growth.
That my friend is what He does in our lives. We were born
with a heart that seeks after God. He plants that seed in you, in me. At times
we have to deal with sin (weeds) that get in the way. So many other issues of
life strangle out the beauty of our soul. A soul God wants to bloom abundantly.
We experience poor soil, rocks, weeds, and even soil that has never been tilled
as we go through life. They all restrict God in our life and all its beauty. Here
is a thought, I think that sometimes we like the weeds because they grow so
well, and we don’t have to do anything but make dandelion wine out of them. And
just maybe our lives need more tending then we can imagine.
Something to think about
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