Robin's Nest

Monday, July 08, 2013

Standing In The Que

I volunteered last week. A close friend was on his way down south and he needed a ride to the Buffalo Airport. Picked him up at just after 8 am and off we drove.  When we get together it seems there is never a lack of things to talk about. For one and half hours we talked and talked, and. . . well you get the idea. Before we knew it, he was getting out of the car and walking off into the terminal as we pulled away and started our way home.
As is our practise, we almost always do some shopping before coming home. Into the store and grabbed what we came for only to be confronted by others doing the same thing. This means that we had opportunity to stand in line, or as they call it in England, ‘the que’. We even walked along to see if there was a shorter line. No such luck.  We are not a patient lot any more are we? We eventually got through, put the stuff in the back and drove to the boarder.
Not good. When we arrived there, it was waiting in the que all over again.  But this time it was sitting down burning gas and waiting for our turn at the booth. We waited and waited. I watched the clock and you know what that means, time did not go by quickly on the way home. At the border you learn to be patient as you count the cars still in front of yours. Half hour later, we were on our way and all was well with the world once more.
But is it? As we waited, I wondered to myself, what is it going to be like arriving at the gates of heaven? Not that I am in a hurry yet. My thing in life is, I want to take as many people to heaven with me. I want to share with everyone Jesus Christ and how He can change their lives. He paid the price for our sins and through Him we can arrive at heaven. But, there is the word again. But what will we experience there? Will there be a couple of people and we just walk through the turnstiles, or will it be so crowded we have to wait in the que? Will we just wander through or, join the throng and say, “No, after you.”? I’m praying for the later, how about you?
Something to think about


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