Had a wonderful morning just last week. It was my day off and I took the opportunity to just sit on the back terrace at the house and let my mind wander as my body fell into a tranquil state. It was so different than most other days. Ah, to just sit there taking in all the beauty of nature. To just watch the birds at the feeders, to notice the fresh spring leaves, smell the wonderful fragrance of Lilly of The Valley, and all that I understand God has created.
It was a wonderful morning. There just happened to be one other thing I noticed. It was a much focused, industrious lone spider. As I relaxed, this spider worked. Don’t know if he was a male or female, but that doesn’t really matter does it? I just watched and watched and watched. Minute by minute it continued on its quest to complete its task. It was his fault you know. It made me again think that just sitting here was a waste of time and before I knew it, I felt I needed to be doing something. There was weeding, bushes to trim, etc. Yes I noticed those things as well. It was getting difficult for me to just sit there so I never did see the end result of the spider’s conquest until later. But it didn’t stop me from wondering many things through the day about spiders, which for the record, I know next to nothing about.
I wondered how he/she knew what to do. How long would it have taken this spider to learn what it seemed to do so instinctively? Did it go to school to learn all of this? Did its parents teach it all the intricacies of web making? No pun intended my fellow computer friends. I even contemplated that maybe the spider was born an adult.  
Then I thought about me. How have I gotten to the place in my life that I am at? Did I learn it from all my experiences, teachers, parents, friends, employers, mentors and maybe even tv? Or was it inside of me all the time. I even wondered how I came to know God Himself. For the rest of the day, I tossed these ideas around in my head. Late that evening, as I lay exausted and waiting for sleep, my mind went back to that lone spider. Is he sleeping from his labours now? Did he learn his trade well? Or was it just inside him all the time?
Maybe that is what is meant about us when we read the Bible and it says, “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God”. God placed within us, a heart that seeks after Him. I then thanked God for always being within me as I drifted off to sleep.
Something to think about.