Just Another Ordinary Miracle Today
There is a big beautiful world out there to explore. Which means, we can no longer say, it is just another day. Just look out your door some morning this week. Take a look around at all the children who are just back into school for yet another year. Realize that this is not just another year for them, or for us. This will be a time of new horizons, new and exciting opportunities that will present themselves to our children. All our children will be acquiring and learning new things. And we can to. We call it growing in knowledge and insight.
One student said to me they were not looking forward to the new school year. I asked why. Silly me, I should have known. Their reply was, “Last year in grade one I didn’t learn anything new and I think this year will be more of the same”. Really?
I wish I could stand on top of the front of every school in this city, province and scream at the top of my lungs, “Grab hold of all that life is offering you and don’t let go!” Just think about it for a minute. Well, a few minutes. Think back to your first day at school. The excitement, the anticipation. Even looking back now I realize it’s like watching a young child who sees something for the first time. Show that child a new toy and realize this is the first time they have ever laid their eyes on it or their hands or their mouths. Listen to me, there are always new things to see that we have never seen before. They are right where you live as well as half way around the world. We lost a close friend to cancer recently. Knowing time was short she packed the last few years of her life with new experiences all over the world.
Just recently I heard that one of the most beautiful churches in our city is on the verge of closing. Every time I drive by it I want to go in and see what it looks like and appreciate it’s beauty that I have never seen before. This past summer I had opportunity to sit and watch a complete nest of flying ants hatch and come out to dry before flying off in search of some wood to eat. Never saw that before. Or how about going out in our back yard and seeing thousands of migrating butterflies envelope our trees for an hour.
I also see something new each and every day as I continually seek new revelation from God. I open my bible and find things I have never seen before. It gave me pause this last week as I was preparing my sermon on the feeding of the five thousand. Two questions come to me as never before. And here they are; after Jesus fed the five thousand, how many went up to Jesus and said thank you? And the second, did anyone thank the boy with the five barley loaves and the two fish?
Jesus said, seek and you will find. Today, open yourself up to Jesus showing you something new and when you see it, say thank you. He will smile back and say,”you’re welcome”.
Something to think about.
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