Robin's Nest

Monday, August 13, 2012

Just a Couple More Minutes

It starts so innocently.  You say to yourself. It’s only a minute or two.  For years this thought never crossed my mind.  I would never just lay there in bed and say, “just a couple more minutes”.  But it started.  Don’t really know when, but it did.  No longer was I bouncing out of bed in the morning at 4:45am. Sometimes, I would lay there and just enjoy the moment. I know you each know what I mean.  Not too long though.  Just a minute or two. Then at exactly 4:48 am, I’m up and going. I wonder to myself if those minutes will grow in the future?
Well, this morning things seemed to change again and I found myself adding a couple more minutes.  This morning was different. How different? Well, for me it was a good sleep for a change.  I slept for 5 hours straight and waking to a clock brightly telling me it was 2:24 am. Unusual for me but when I did wake, I lay there for a few minutes just thinking about sleeping so long. There were those first couple of minutes. I might have even caught myself smiling to myself and thinking how good it was.  Well, then it happened. That thought lead to another thought and another until before I knew it I heard the clocks strike 3 am. Again before I knew it I was praying for this person and that, putting a sermon together in my head, and it went on and on and on.
It was after an hour that I presumed I finished doing all my thinking, and then I forced my mind to shut down and I fell back asleep. The next thing I knew, it happened, Blink - I was awake again and I had actually slept in.  It was now 4:49 am. Now I bounced out of bed, down the stairs and off to the gym.
I wonder if you do the same thing? Or maybe the same thing on occasion? Or how about when it comes to Sunday morning?  Saying to yourself, “I’ll just lie here for a few more minute”.  Let's shake this habit now before it takes over our lives. Join me and not lying there on Sunday morning. Realize the scripture is true about every day but more so about Sunday, “This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it”. Go Rejoice with others before a loving, caring God, who never sleeps so we can.
See you in church.
Something to think about.


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