Robin's Nest

Monday, September 17, 2012

No Luck At All

Here is a statement I believe we dwell on maybe a couple of times a year at the most. Should probably be more but that’s life. I guess it has something to do with taking things for granted.  Okay, the statement is, “We are so very fortunate.” This statement can stand on it’s own or be attached to some object, time or place. I guess most people would say something like, “How lucky I am.” I don’t think luck has anything to do with it. In fact I looked up the word luck, just to see what it said. Webster reads, “a force that brings good fortune or adversity”.  Which means, there is to many everyday people, either good luck or bad luck. I still don’t think there is anything called luck. If I miss getting in a car accident by a couple of seconds, some say they were lucky while I say, God is watching over me. So I would say that the person that wins the lottery, it is a case of having the winning numbers. Maybe the truth is found in the funny saying, “if I had any luck at all it would be not luck”.
So what is this force Webster must be talking about? Wether he would admit it or not I believe that Webster’s definition admits to a force greater then ourselves.  I call that force, GOD!
You see, I believe that our every step is watched by God. He knows of our goings and comings. He knows everything about our lives past and present and He knows what is ahead for each of us. Yes, God controls the vastness of space with all it’s in-numerable stars and planets, but He alone watches over each and every one of us. No heavenly bodies collide without His knowledge and we indeed are fortunate to have God there watching the collisions found in our lives.
Which gets me to the point.  I will say, how fortunate we are to have a God that loves us and cares for us and watches our every step through life. He alone counts the hairs on our heads. Some less then others. He saw us as we were being formed in our mother’s womb. He is with us in our joys as well as in our trials. Just as Jesus said to Nathaniel, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.”, He sees you right now where you are. We are so fortunate to have God right here and right now. . .
And He walks with me and He talks with me
And He tells me I am His own
And the joy we share as we tarry there
None other has ever known. 
Something to think about.


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