Which Way Do I Go?
There was a day when you had to ask someone how to get somewhere. You would talk to someone on the phone and they would invite you over. You would then ask for directions if you were unfamiliar with the address. Do you remember driving around and around, finally going to a phone booth and asking for clarification. Most women agree that men will seldom ask for directions. People wandered around aimlessly looking and looking.
At one time we also carried in our cars, lots of maps. My daughter used to have books of maps, so she could find where she was going anywhere in southern Ontario with no trouble. I even admit that I had maps as well, and actually, I still buy a new map book each year for all of North America.
In our technological age, most of those maps are relegated to use just for curiosity. We hear someone on tv mention where they live and we get out the map and find it, just so we know.
Technology has really helped all of us. First came the G.P.S. That would be Global Positioning System. Started probably by the military to know where things or people were. It is a great tool they have shared with us everyday folk. Buy one for around $100. and away you go. Type in the place you are going and it will show you the way. Every year they get better and better. The device connects to three satellites and shows you where you are in relation to where you are going.
Now I’m going to venture into the realm of fantasy. Well, it was with Buck Rogers. In our modern age, there is no need for some people to buy a G.P.S. any longer. They can be found in the dashboard of the car or right there in your phone. Yes I knew that. If you possess a data plan on your phone, it’s a mini computer that can do anything for you that your laptop or desktop can do. One of those “apps” is maps. It can get you to where you want to go. Get this, it can even tell the person you call, where you are. Does that mean I will never get lost again? The jury is still out on that one being I don’t have an iphone/Blackberry.
As a Christian our destination is into the presence of God. We are definitely on our journey. Many times we get sidetracked. We get lost and we ask the same questions Thomas did. I remember Thomas saying to Jesus, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus lovingly said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me”.
Are you lost? Maybe at one time or another you got sidetracked end up on a road to nowhere. Want to find your way back? Just go to Jesus, and He will show you the way.
Something to think about
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