Love Lasts!

Like so many other wonderful celebrations, they last only a short time. A day at most. That is what will be happening Wednesday. It’s St. Valentine’s Day. A day for Love. A day for amour. There will be lots of chocolate, lots of flowers and lots of cards.
If you are normal, like the rest of us, there are two things we really like to have in our lives. The first is, we really appreciate having people in our lives who love us. They care about us. Are involved in our lives and in many cases add a wonderful dimension to our lives as we journey through life together. For some that is our spouses who we have or they have chosen to be part of our life. Others can be kids. Some we wished for and some just happen to come along and probably having something to do with amour. Still others are closer to the fringe of our lives but that doesn’t lessen the impact of their love on our life. The second is, we appreciate having people in our lives to love. Is there someone you are thinking about right now who you love? Love lots?
One of those for me was a dear great aunt in Saskatchewan. Aunt Alice was a sweet single lady who brightened a room just by walking in. She never married but always said, “I’d rather want something I can’t have then to have something I don’t want”. She was the first telephone operator for the start-up, Saskatchewan Telephone Company in the small town of Whitewood Sask. In that position in the early part of the twentieth century, it meant she knew everyone and everyone knew her. She would make my day every time I called her. The conversation started with her saying hello as soon as she picked up the receiver and before she had it to her face. You had to smile thinking about how she used to answer the switch board. I smiled and waited a second before answering. After the normal, how are you, she would do the same thing most every time, “Good of you to call, but this call is expensive so, talk to you soon, bye”. And she would hang up. Only a couple of times in all the years I phoned did the call last more than two minutes. Gotta love her.
And we do love don’t we? So, let’s change things. Maybe it’s time to make something last longer than a day, or afternoon. I would like to challenge each and every one of you to make Valentine last. Make it last as long as you can. A week, a month, even a year. Make love reign. God did. He was the one that said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” And He said it twice in Hebrews 13:5 and Deut. 31:6. It is also said of Him by John, “For God so LOVED. . .” It never stops. He loves me and tells me every day! How about you?
Something to think about
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