Robin's Nest

Monday, December 30, 2019

From The Mountain Top.

Every year at this time, we start going down memory lane. Think back to when you were real young. Most of us will remember go stuff. But then again, we might remember things we have done that are not considered good ideas. Playing with a ball in the living room sounded like a good idea. Nope, it wasn’t and one lamp went in the bin.

Seems like those occasional bad notions only got bigger as we grew up. To be kind to ourselves, we also had great things happen. Our lives have had experiences that the bible talked about when it said there are mountain tops and there are valleys in life. Then again, as we mature and add more years than we want to count, we hopefully make more right decisions and suffer less from fewer poor ones.  I guess another saying is also true, we do stupid things before we mature.

Now at the turning of a new year, a new decade, we will again look back on what went wrong and what pulled us up to that amazing, life changing mountain top, where the air is clean and the sky clear and always blue. Maybe it’s because on the mountain top we are closer to God. At least that is what some people say. You decide that.

As you think on this past year, see if you are smiling or just reminiscing on what is now part of your past. As we look back, we are the only ones who can change what we will think about when next year comes and goes. As I thought about this, I remembered one verse that should change the trajectory of our life; Luke 2:52, ‘And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man’. Can that be said of us? Can we say that about ourselves? We need to live the same way He did, through all the ups and downs of 2020. Let’s make sure, all our steps will be good ones.

Something to think about.

Happy New Year



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