Robin's Nest

Monday, January 06, 2014

Time In A Bottle?

There is a conspiracy afoot. I don’t know what’s going on but there seems to be a conspiracy against me. It’s not a serious one so do not get too alarmed. A year or so ago, I was usually having just over three hundred unread emails in my inbox at any one time.  I don’t know if I’m getting too many now or if I’m getting too far behind in my reading or if the latest email are way too long. The thing is, enough time to read these emails doesn’t seem to be showing up too often anymore. 
In spite of the growing number of emails that demand my attention, the number of unread email has just surpassed one thousand, eight hundred. Now, let me assure you, I have read every personal email that comes across my screen. The stuff I’m referring to are emails that I have yet to get to. I deem them important, and plan to get to them, but. . . . Here is the problem, after 5 hours each morning, looking, checking, prioritizing, and getting to them all is not making it. Remember, I think they are important.
The difficulty is, I’m trying my best to stay current.  You know, like how a doctor has to constantly be up to date with the latest break-through. Don’t say that I can just delete them all. Might miss something important and relevant. Just recently, one minister has started an email club. He will now read all the important emails for ministers and then do a Coles Notes edition of them all, for a price of course. Don’t know how he does it but I am guessing he can speed read. Something I can’t do even though I took training in it forty-four years ago.
I think that many of you are saying similar things. There are too many things to read and not enough time. Maybe we don’t, but then again, maybe we do. Just maybe we have enough time to read what’s most important. Maybe we need to start first with God who doesn’t expect us to do everything we think we should be doing. Maybe spending time with Him in prayer, reading just what He has put within our bibles and listening to His still small voice is what we need first think each morning. Could be after you have had your time together with God, you will discover you even have time for people, family and friends, face to face with the tv off, computers off and our cell phones off. Emails will still be there later. After all, didn’t we spend time with God and people before all these modern inconveniences?
Something to think about.


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