Robin's Nest

Monday, April 29, 2013

I WON!!!

I WON!!! For years, many of us dream about winning. We pick the numbers, birthdates or the like, or did a quick pick and we put our money down wishing to win “The BIG one”. We dream of it and the anticipation sometimes rises as the lottery winning amount increases.  Just so you know, we have a far greater chance here in Canada to win the lottery then our friends south of the border. Well, that’s what they want us to believe.
And that is when the dreams start. What could I do with that amount of money? Statistics also tell us that the people who win the big ones are usually back to where they were financially within 7 and 9 years.  But back to the dreaming. Here is your line and mine, “If I had a million dollars, I would . . .” The Lottery Corporation keeps that dream alive by buying advertising everywhere. Not many places in this country where you don’t see some form of advertisement for 649 or LottoMax.
But I WON!! Look at the faces of those who have won. You can see the excitement in their eyes; you can hear it in their voices. I have yet to hear someone step up to the microphone and say, “Yes, I did win this prize, (Yawn) and it’s nice.” Winners are excited. Go to take your winning ticket in, even if it’s just a free ticket, and that machine plays a special tune for you and calls you a – ready for it, - “Winner – Gagnants”. Isn’t that special?
And I Won! Makes me wonder, do millionaires buy tickets? I don’t think they accumulated their millions by giving more money to the government than they need to.  No, I think most millionaires worked and saved to become millionaires. But wouldn’t it be wonderful to be included in that list of people? Weekly the dream is kept alive.
I WON more than I will ever be able to appreciate. No, I didn’t win the lottery. What I do have is an inheritance none of us could ever imagine. When God called our name, we were adopted by God. We are the child of the KING. And as His child we inherited the cattle on a thousand hills. We hear the truth of God riches as David so beautifully writes for us, “I shall not want”.   But more than that, the most amazing wealth we have here is to live as His child, to receive blessings from God, and to realize, there is nothing in this world that will compare to the riches of glory. And I wonder. Have you ever seen the look on people’s faces as they go into church or come out…? What's with that? WE HAVE WON IN CHRIST! He has won the victory over death. And he shares it with us. Need I ask? What expression will He see on our faces when we arrive home to heaven?
Something to think about


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